truelancer review

Truelancer Review | Is it worth your time?

If you are looking for the best platform for new freelancer, you might have come across this amazing website, Truelancer. We are going to do a full Truelancer review.

Instead of directly showing off the features, I am going to share my experience of working at Truelancer.

Also, a team member used Truelancer to hire people. So, we are also going to see whether you should hire people from Truelancer.

So, let’s begin the Truelancer review for freelancers as well as we will see if Truelancer is good for buyers (clients).

Overview of Truelancer

Before we get all into why Truelancer is good or why it is bad, let’s understand something about the platform.

truelancer review

Truelancer works like every other freelancing website out there.

  • The recruiter or the buyer posts their requirements
  • Freelancers apply for it using Proposal (bids)
  • Recruiters can choose one from all the proposals
  • When the buyer selects a proposal, they need to deposit the project amount to Truelancer
  • The freelancer completes the project and if the buyer approves it, the payment is cleared.
  • Both of them can leave a review/feedback thereafter.

Truelancer review for Freelancers

This section will cover Truelancer review as a freelancer. So, if you are a freelancer and are looking to work on this freelance platform.


So, to begin with, the first thing you need to see is the availability of the projects and your chances to win them.

Truelancer is still quite new and hence the availability of the project is great. You can easily win the proposals over here.

There are various categories for which you can get the project. Most of the projects (as of now) are for the content writers.

Therefore, if you are a content writer and looking to work as freelancer on Truelancer, there are good chances that you will earn money from here.

Price of the projects

This is the part which I don’t like. The price of the projects are not too high. But hey, if you are just starting out, there is nothing wrong with working at a low price.

The reason why I don’t like Truelancer for pricing is because of the fake/bogus pricing.

You will see many buyers/clients will post their projects at an enormously high price. I mean no one is going to believe that you are paying $100 for a 500 words normal article.

When you ask them or when you send them a proposal, they will give you whole different pricing which is too low then the mentioned price.

Also, sometimes the stated price is more and when there is different pricing in the description box. So, it is a bit frustrating.

Number of bids and commission

On a free account, you will get 20 bids per month. i.e you will be able to send 20 proposals per month on a free account. If you choose to upgrade your account, you will get more bids. However, you need to pay for it.

The commission or the service fee of Truelancer is quite low as compared to others. They only charge 10% of commissions for each and every successful deal. For instance, if you completed the work of $10, you will get $9 minus the tax.

working as freelancer on truelancer

You can either upgrade the membership or you can also purchase the proposal credits.

Payout options

There are a couple of payment options you will get in Truelancer.

You can get your money directly in your bank or you can even withdraw the money to your Paypal or Payoneer account. The PayPal or Payoneer account charges their own fees. So, you need to pay those too.

Payment is done on request and there is no clearance time. In other words, you can request your payment as soon as you complete the project and the money is unlocked.

truelancer review to work

The request usually takes a day or two which is great overall.

Services and Endorsement

You can also offer services and get an endorsement

This is a pretty amazing thing we found in this Truelancer review.

Just like Fiverr, you can also offer services over here.

Along with this, you can ask other people to endorse you. It will show on the profile and hence increase your chances of getting projects.

We recommend you add your services to the services section. Although there are very few people who buy services from Truelancer if you’re lucky, you might get some orders there too. And hey, it doesn’t take a lot of time to add your services to Truelancer. So, you can pretty much add it.

Further, you can also ask other Truelancers to endorse you. You must have your portfolio so they can see your work and endorse you. It will help you in getting more number of projects.

Referral system

They do have a referral system. For instance, if you refer someone, you will get few credits. You can use those credits to get more bids or proposals.

To be completely honest, their referral system is the worst. When I was working as a freelancer, I referred 2/3 of my friends and I never got enough credits for any of them. They have an active account. Their support doesn’t reply to such queries.

Maybe there are some referral requirements but they haven’t stated anything in their referral program. Please note that I am talking about their referral program and not its affiliate program. Both of these are completely different things.

Tips to get projects on Truelancer

In this Truelancer review, now, it is time for some tips to get projects on Truelancer.

Use these proven tips to get more projects on Truelancer.

Always read the description: There are many people who will write something like “type abc in first when you are sending the proposal”. So, you will only come to know this if you have read the description.

Send custom high-quality proposals

The next thing you need to do is send custom proposals. Do not just copy and paste one singe proposal, Instead, write a custom proposal.

You can write something that is personal and relates to the service the buyer wants.

Always attach a sample

It is always a better idea to attach sample work. If you haven’t worked with any of the clients before, you can create a sample file on your own.

For instance, if you are into logo designing freelancing work, you can create a logo for your own. Attach that file along with the proposal. This one thing will help you get more clients than ever.

Fill out the complete profile

One mistake that every Truelancer makes is not filling the profile. You should always fill out the complete profile on any freelancing website.

Talking about Truelancer, here you get option to create your portfolio and also add a couple of articles. If you want more projects, you should do both. It might seem like useless work for now but you could really get projects on Truelancer.

See the history

It’s always recommended to see the buyer’s history in Truelancer. In these days, Truelancer started offering new discounts to the buyers. So, the buyers will get a few amount of cash credits to begin with. Therefore, it’s a great way for Truelancer freelancers to start the work with these credits. Lastly, you can see if they have a decent amount of projects they have worked on.

Should you join Truelancer to work?

Well, this might be a tricky question. So, I am going to be as transparent as possible.

If you are okay with working for low price, you should surely Join Truelancer. However, if you already have a job or are making enough money, you might not like Truelancer because of the low price.

The support for the sellers is also good. You can get various options to contact their support whenever you want. They reply fast and also will pretty much solve your query.

Overall, if you are just getting started, this website is good to start. I would like to tell you do not depend on a single freelancing website. If the talk about Truelancer, you won’t be able to make that good money. However, it is always great to start with a high ticket pricing projects if you have no clue about freelancing.

[bctt tweet=”It is better to make less money than to make no money at all!” username=””]

Truelancer review to hire people

A review should be for both parties, ain’t it? So, here we are with another section where we will see Truelancer review for buyers. In other words, this is a Truelancer review to hire freelancers.

One of our team members used Truelancer to hire freelancers and hence, we are sharing their review. Should you prefer the website or not?

Job posting

The first thing is posting. It is very easy when it comes to posting a job at Truelancer. You can easily post the job, state the requirements, and also set the budget with it. All you need to do is go to the post-job section and you can post the job. Further, you will start getting proposals from different freelancers who are working on Truelancer.

Finding the talent

The one thing we learned over here was to include something in the description that will make the user read the details. When we posted the second job, we wrote (type abc as the first word so that we know you read the description). We shove it in the middle of the description. Guess what? It worked like a charm. We were easily able to remove half of the bids.

On our job posting, we received 17 proposals among which 3/5 of them were talented and looked like they could do the job. Of course, we chose one from them and he did the job. The quality was as per the expectations. We were not getting high hopes as we didn’t have more budget, which brings us to the next point.

Truelancer cost to hire freelancers

We heard that Truelancer was the best place to find talents if you have low budget. We were afraid about the quality though.

However, we were wrong on the quality one. The quality was amazing as per the price. Also, the money we spent was roughly 2 times lower than other freelancing websites. 

Let us talk about the buyer fees and the payment gateway. This is another reason why we are writing this Truelancer review to hire people. There are no buyer fees. You might have seen many websites that offer you the freelancing service but they do charge small buyer fees. This is not the case with Truelancer.

truelancer review to hire freelancers

So, you don’t need to pay any buyer fees. Depending on the payment gateway you choose, you can get things done.

Support and Reliability

There are enough ways to contact Truelancer support team. The support is great overall for both sellers as well as for the buyers.

They have phone support for India and the US. Truelancer contact number is given in their contact us page.  Further, you can contact them on Skype, Whatsapp, and also open a support ticket. There is a mailing address given on the contact page. There are 4 different emails given for payment, support, press, and the partnership. It removes half of the crowd as it diversifies it. Hence, the overall support is much faster and better.

Talking about the reliability, Truelancer has been in the industry for past couple of years and is completely reliable.

Should you use Truelancer to hire?

The short and the sweet answer over here is yes and no.

If you have a short simple project and your budget is low, you can surely Hire Truelancers. However, if you are looking for some high-quality developers who have experience in building huge things, Truelancers is not the place for you.

For that purpose, you should choose a different website. For small tasks and data entry, you can surely find the freelancers here. The other thing that I like about Truelancer is the translation service.

If you are looking for translation service, whether it is from any state of India or you want to translate something to Spanish or Portugee, you can easily find some great freelancers over here.

So, if you are into any of the services business or you simply want the translation for those apps, you can rely on Truelancer for that.

Further, you can feel free to check out the website and see how it works to know more.

Final words: Conclusion

We already concluded Truelancer review for both of the people (for freelancers and for the buyers).

If you want to know everything in a line or two, here is a short and simple Truelancer review.

For freelancers: It is a great place to get started if you are okay with getting low price projects. If you have the experience, this site is not for you.

For Buyers looking to hire: Truelancer is a great place to hire people if you have low budget. Also, if you want a high quality project which requires experience, this website is not for you.

This is just my take on Truelancer review, you can surely check out the website yourself and decide whether you want to work on it or not.

3 thoughts on “Truelancer Review | Is it worth your time?”

  1. Truelancer is run by criminals. It’s fake and rip off and it is run by con artists and mofia, these criminals steal money from companies and they would say candidates got the money and cheated you, that’s not true, candidates never get any money, these criminals who work there con and cheat companies and blame the candidates, these criminals will get caught and spend many years in Jail including their CEO, They have written software which monitoring the activity of the companies, I am a software Engineer and I know exactly what they are doing, they are manipulating the rate according to their convenience, their software can block you if you try to send your contact information to the freelancers, I think they also have hired people to write good reviews about their company. I would say its run by Mafia , Looks like the CEO might be an EX mafia guy. Their software is displaying something to the company’s and displaying something else to the free lancers, I know how to do , because I am a software engineer. Basically these are real big time criminals whose main goal is to steal money from companies and get rich, However they will not succeed, Eventually they will get caught their CEO and their employees will be thrown into prison for many years. Investors watch out and be careful your investments will be stolen and wiped out very soon.

  2. Pingback: 10 Best Fiverr Alternatives 2022 | Skill Success Blog

  3. Thrulancer my manage project freelancer whit experience work expect full comitment almost skill fine and could find frequenly sense

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